Other Options
If you didn’t manage to find a match for your oar, here are some more options for you.
If you have damaged oars that will never be rowed again, it is possible to recycle the carbon fibre from the oar shafts.
We have partnered with a startup carbon fibre recycling business that is using a newer process to extract longer fibres (instead of simply grinding it up). They are going to be creating materials that can be used in new products.
To help with logistics and transport costs we have agreed to be a collection point for these oars using The Flying Boatman in Twickenham (near Twickenham RC). Contact us to make arrangements.
Trophy Oars
A damaged oar may still be OK to hang on a wall, and a spoon with a little bit of shaft makes a nice trophy.
Keep them for your next awards night or contact Jonny.
The 'Oarphanage'
If you haven't found a match for an oar in good condition, but you don't want to continue storing it, consider donating it to The Oarphanage
This is a simple arrangement where we take your oar, store it, and continue to look for a match. If we find a match we may pass it on to someone, or we may make up a set for renovation and sale. Proceeds going to the management of this website. If the oar does not find a match it may become a trophy oar (see above).